PRICE-5價目表-5   PRICE-7價目表-7   PRICE-8價目表-8      ENGLISH
           Aroma Vie Products :德美婕-香精香療糸列 :                                                                             Price-6
p.n   stock no      products name:  產品名稱  qty  retail price
 *  0641  Bath collection:de-stress body wash & body lotion, bath fizz, and water-resistant plastic-coated wire tote.
 1  $ 28-95
 *  0642  Bath collection: sensual body wash & body lotion, bath fizz, and water-resistant plastic-coated wire tote.
 1   $ 28-95
 *  0643  Bath collection: uplifting body wash & body lotion, bath fizz, and water-resistant plastic-coated wire tote.
 1  $ 28-95
 *  0183  Candle collection: de-stress, sensual, and uplifting in lovely glass holders.香療蠟燭3心情*含蠟燭杯.  1  $ 12-95
 *  0184  Candle set: two of de-stress, sensual, and uplifting candles in an attractive gift box.香療蠟燭3心情.  2  $ 10-50
 50  0342(hap or unit)  Essential oils: set of 3 oils de-stress, sensual, and uplifting.  1  $ 19-95
 50  2420(case)  Essential oils: set of 3 oils de-stress, sensual and uplifting.香療香精3心情(1盒3瓶)  6  $ 119-70
 50  0349(hap or unit)  Glycerin bars: set of 3 glycerin bars de-stress, sensual, and uplifting.  1  $ 14-50
 50  2430(case)  Glycerin bars: set of 3 glycerin bars de-stress, sensual, and uplifting.香療香皂3心情(1盒3塊)  6  $ 87-00
 *  0514  Romance collection: de- stress set- body bar, candle w/ glass holder, incense stick (10). unscented
 potpouni, and vial of essential oil 放鬆 香精香療精美禮盒:香皂,蠟燭,燃香,乾燥草本,香精油
 1  $ 31-95
 *  0515  Romance collection: sensual set- body bar, candle w/glass holder, incense sticks(10), unscented potpouni,
 and vial of essential oil.浪漫 香精香療精美禮盒:香皂,蠟燭,燃香,乾燥草本,香精油
 1  $31-95
 *  0513  Romance collection: uplifting set- body bar, candle w/glass holder, incense sticks(10), unscented potpouni,
 and vial of essential oil.提神:香精香療精美禮盒-香皂,蠟燭,燃香,乾燥草本,香精油.
 1  $31-95
 *  0519  Small de-stress: essential oil de-stress, aroma  vie ring  and candle in a glass holder.輕鬆:香療寶箱禮盒  1   $ 13-95
 *  0520  Treasure chest small sensual: essential oil sensual, aroma vie ring, and candle in a glass holder.
 1   $ 13-95
 *  0518  Treasure chest small uplifting: essential oil uplifting, aroma vie ring, and candle in a glass holder.
 1  $ 13-95
           Vitessence & Man/Woman Fragrance Products:德美婕香水糸列                                 Price-6
 52  0308(hap or unit)  Asmera:  女用香水   1   $ 37-50
 52  2321(case)  Asmera :   6   $ 225-00
 52  2535  *  Asmera: promotion-3 for 2   女用香水:完整組-3種各2瓶.  6  $ 450-00
 *  0463  Asmera: collection-wooden gift box w/gold-toned purse spray 7 ml of Asmera女用香水禮盒  1  $ 43-00
 *  0649  Asmera: w/matching body lotion packaged in a wooden gift box女用香水禮盒乳液  1  $ 46-95
 52  0309(hap or unit)  Luscious  1  $ 42-50
 52  2322 (case)  Luscious     女用香水  6  $ 255-00
 *  2534  Luscious: promotion-3 for 2  3  $ 510-00
 *  0464  Luscious: collection-wooden gift box w/ gold-toned purse spray 7 ml luscious.女用香水禮盒  1  $ 48-00
 *  0650  Luscious: w/matching body lotion packaged in a wooden gift box女用香水禮盒乳液  1  $ 51-95
 52  0310(hap or unit)  Zillion  1  $ 45-00
 52  2323 (case)  Zillion  女士香水  6  $ 270-00
 *  2536  Zillion: promotion -3 for 2 女士香水:完整組-3種各2瓶.  3  $ 540-00
 *  0465  Zillion: collection-white wooden gift box w/gold-toned purse spray 7 ml zillion. 女士香水白色禮盒.  1  $ 49-95
 *  0505  Zillion: collection- black wooden gift box w/gold-toned purse spray 7 ml zillion   1   $ 49-95
 *  0651  Zillion: w/matching body lotion packaged in a wooden gift box.  1  $ 54-95
 *  2320  Women's assortment: Asmera, luscious, and zillion. 女士香水完整組合: 3種各2瓶.  2  $ 250-00
 *  0443  Perfumes collection: 7ml-asmera, luscious, zillion, and (1) spray holder  1  $ 21-95
 *  2318  Perfumes collection: 7ml-asmera, luscious, zillion, and (1) spray holder 女士香水:迷你隨身用.  3  $ 65-85
 53  0343(hap or unit)  Woman fragrance  1  $ 25-00
 53  2324 (case)  Woman fragrance  女仕香水  6  $ 150-00
 *  0372  Woman fragrance gift set: woman fragrance, and matching-scented body bar.   1  $ 30-95
 *  2332  Woman fragrance gift set: woman fragrance, and matching-scented body bar. 女仕香水:香皂禮盒.  3  $ 92-85
 *  2542  Woman fragrance promotion-3 for 2 女仕芬芳首倡:3種各2瓶  18  $ 300-00
 52  0312(hap or unit)  Improve  1  $ 42-00
 52  2342 (case)  Improve    男用香水  6  $ 252-00
 *  2538  Improve promotion - 3 for 2  3  $ 504-00
 52  0313(hap or unit)  Pin stripe       1  $ 44-00
 52  2343 (case)  Pin stripe  6  $ 264-00
 *  2537  Pin stripe promotion-3 for 2  3  $528-00
 52  0311(hap or unit)  Seaward  1  $ 38-00
 52  2341 (case)  Seaward  6  $ 228-00
 *  2539  Seaward promotion-3 for 2  3  $ 456-00
 *  2340  Men's assortment: improve, pin stripe, and seaward  2  $ 248-00
 *  0652  Men's fragrance: improve w/after shave balm packaged in a wooden gift box  1  $ 55-95
 *  0653  Men's fragrance: pin stripe w/after shave balm packaged in a wooden gift box  1  $ 57-95
 *  0654  Men's fragrance: seaward w/ after shave balm packaged in a wooden gift box  1  $ 51-95
53  0344(hap or unit)  Man fragrance  1  $ 25-00
53  2344 (case)  Man fragrance  6  $ 150-00
 *  2338  Man fragrance collection: man fragrance, matching-scented body bar, body wash, and body lotion in a silver
 3  $ 135-00
 *  2541  Man fragrance promotion - 3 for 2 18  $ 300-00
 *  0440  Man fragrance : collection- body wash, body bar, and body lotion packaged in brushed silver-finished mesh
 tin box
 1  $ 45-00
 *  2330  Man/women fragrance: combo pack  3  $ 150-00
 *  2543  Man/women fragrance promotion 3 for 2 9  $ 300-00
 *  2310  Fragrance complete: Asmera, luscious, zillion, improver, pin sire, and seaward  1  $ 249-00
 *  2540  Fragrance complete promotion: 3 for 2-asmera, luscious, zillion, improve, pin stripe, and seaward  3  .$ 498-00
        Ocean  Currents Products:德美婕-海洋糸列:                                                                                       Price-6
 51  0341(hap or unit)  2 Body bars  1  $ 6-95
 51  2413 (case)  2 Body bars     海洋糸列:沐浴香皂  6  $ 41-70
 *  0646  Bath fizz- packaged in a matte, brushed silver-finished tin  1  $ 16-95
 51  0339(hap or unit)  Body lotion  1  $ 9-95
 51  2411 (case)  Body lotion      海洋糸列:一潤膚乳  6  $ 59-70
 51  0428(hap or unit)  Body mist  1  $ 10-95
 51  2438 (case)  Body mist          芬芳保溼噴霧水  6  $ 65-70
 51  0340(hap or unit)  Body wash  1  $ 7-95
 51  2412 (case)  Body wash          沐浴精  6  $ 47-70
 *  0426  Candle set- 3 ocean currents candles and 1 frosted glass holder  海洋糸列:芬芳蠟燭1盒3支  1  $ 8-95
 51  0429(hap or unit)  Dusting powder  1  $ 9-95
 51  2439 (case)  Dusting powder    芬芳爽身粉  6  $ 59-70
  *  0181  Gift tray : bath powder, body mist, body lotion, and aqua-blue candle  海洋糸列禮盒  1  $ 21-95
 *  0647  Pillar candle      芬芳蠟燭3"x6"  1  $ 9-95
  PRICE-4:價目表-4  PRICE-5:價目表-5 PRICE-7:價目表-7  PRICE-8:價目表-8        TOP^